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研究活動 > 業績 |
八木誠政 (1937) 野兎の歩間距離および傾斜面に於ける運動について. 動物生態学雑誌, 1: 11-15. 根来健一郎 (1938) 菅平大明神沢酸性渓流の生物. 陸水学雑誌, 8: 371-387. このページのトップへ : To the top of this page. <1940〜1949年> 桝田一二 (1940) 信州菅平の地域性. 地理(旧版), 3: 29-51.(菅平研究所地理調査報告第1号) 清水三雄 (1942) 高原産鼠(Rattus属)の骨の相対成長について. 動物学雑誌, 54: 100-108. 関口武 (1943) 積雪分布に関する小気候学的調査. 地理学評論, 11: 595-600. 谷津栄寿 (1946) 菅平に於ける気温逆転と土壌凍結. 天気と気候, 12: 14-19. 関口武 (1947) 菅平における地中温度の分布. 開拓地気象調査報告, 2: 21-27. 木島輝雄・小安国雄 (1948) 菅平における湧泉および河水の水温について. 産業気象調査報告, 12: 32-36. 仁科伸彦 (1948) 高冷地に於ける水田微気象. 産業気象調査報告, 12: 16-20. 仁科伸彦 (1948) 菅平盆地に於ける夏季の気温分布. 産業気象調査報告, 12: 20-24. 松野満寿巳 (1948) 菅平に於ける落葉季節. 産業気象調査報告, 12: 36-38. 武田京一 (1949) 菅平に於ける夏季の風に就いて (第1報) . 農業気象, 5: 17-21. 鳥居酉蔵 (1949) 菅平高原産のトワダカワゲラについて. 採集と飼育, 11: 66-72. 仁科伸彦 (1949) 菅平における霜の小気候. 開拓地気象調査報告, 7: 76-85. 堀正一 (1949) 長野県菅平湿原植物群落の研究. 生態学研究, 11: 1-5. 松野満寿巳 (1949) 菅平における植物観測による小気候測定. 開拓地気象調査報告, 7: 72-76. 八木誠政・鳥居酉蔵 (1949) トワダカワゲラの生理生態学的研究III. 呼吸律動温熱および温熱昏睡におよぼすメチレンブルーの影響. 生理生態, 3: 31-79. このページのトップへ : To the top of this page. <1950〜1959年> 鳥居酉蔵 (1950) トワダカワゲラの地理的分布. 昆虫, 11: 37-38. 松野満寿巳 (1950) 菅平における植物季節観測による小気候測定. 農業気象, 5: 140-143. 関口武 (1951) 小地域における湿度・気温分布と地上被覆 (その1・2) . 地理学評論, 24: 359-369, 404-411. 松野満寿巳・山中圀利 (1951) 植物季節観測による小気候測定 (II) 色彩変化による方法. 農業気象, 6: 81-82. 吉野正敏 (1953) 小地域内の気温日変化の比較 (その4) . 地理学評論, 26: 188-198. 吉野正敏 (1954) 根子岳斜面 (長野県菅平・十の原) における最高最低気温 (I) −小地域内の気温の日変化比較 (その5) −. 農業気象, 9: 139-143. Torii, T. (1956) The stochastic approach in field population ecology with special reference to field insect populations. Jpn. Soc. Promot. Sci., Tokyo, 1-277. 河村武・水越允治 (1957) 気温の微変動−サーミスターによる気温の観測−. 日本気象学会創立75周年記念論文集, pp. 134-137. 吉野正敏 (1957) 菅平高原の気候と小気候. 東京教育大学地理学研究報告I: 159-188, 地理学研究会. Yoshino, M. (1957) The structure of surface winds crossing over a small valley. J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn., 35: 184-195. 吉野正敏 (1958) 渓谷の風−谷間に形成される渦について−. 農業気象, 13: 129-134. 吉野正敏 (1958) 接地層の風の垂直分布と小地形. 東京教育大学地理学研究報告II: 119-146, 地理学研究会. Yoshino, M. (1958) Wind speed profiles of the lowest air layer under influencesof micro-topography. J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn., 36: 174-186. 水越允治・河村武 (1959) 気温の微変動 (2). 天気, 6: 159-161. このページのトップへ : To the top of this page. <1960〜1969年> 吉野正敏 (1960) 亜高山帯における風の気候景観とそれによる小気候調査. 東京教育大学地理学研究報告IV: 87-106, 地理学研究会. Ando, H. (1960) Studies on the early embryonic development of a scorpionfly, Panorpa pryeri (Mecoptera, Panorpidae). Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Sec. B, 9: 227-242. 立石由 (1961) 菅平における冷気の流出. 天気, 8: 366-371. 町田貞 (1961) 長野盆地東縁の地型とくに扇状地形式と火山活動について. 東京教育大学地理学研究報告, 5: 33-52. Ando, H. (1962) The Comparative embryology of Odonata with special reference to a relic dragonfly Epiophlebia superstes Selys. 205 pp. Japan Society Promotion Science, Tokyo. 伊藤達雄・青木栄一 (1962) 観光産業の形式要因の分析的研究−菅平高原スキー場を例として−. 観光研究, (69): 1-10. 伊藤達雄・青木栄一 (1962) 観光産業の形式要因の分析的研究−菅平高原スキー場を事例として−. 観光研究, (69): 55-64. Uchida, E. and Tsukada, K. (1964) On the parallel observation of colud droplets and condensation nuclei. J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn., 42: 79-84. 関口武 (1964) 菅平の気候. すが平その自然と人文, pp. 15-21, 菅平研究会. 林一六・沼田真 (1964) 遷移からみた埋土種子集団の解析II. 日本生態学会誌, 14: 224-227. 林一六・沼田真 (1964) 遷移からみた埋土種子集団の解析III. 生理生態, 12: 185-190. 吉野正敏 (1964) 菅平の天気. すが平その自然と人文, pp. 22-30, 菅平研究会. 杉繁郎 (1965) Mamestra aliena (Hübner) オイワケクロヨトウ (仮称) の再発見. 蛾類通信, (38): 325-326. 市川健夫 (1966) 高冷地の地理学. 414pp. 令文社. 林一六 (1966) 菅平におけるススキの成長. 草地生態, 9: 29-36. Yoshino, M. M. (1966) Wind-shaped trees as indicator of micro and local climatic wind situation. Biometeorology, 2: 997-1005. Tanaka, R. and M. Kanamori (1967) New regression formula to estimate the whole population for recapture-addicted small mammals. Res. Popul. Ecol., 9: 83-94. 林一六 (1967) 菅平地方における植物遷移の研究 (1). 菅平研報, (1): 1-18. Hayashi, I. and M. Numata (1967) Ecology of pioneer species of early stages in secondary succession I. Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 80: 11-22. 山崎柄根 (1967) 菅平の直翅類. 菅平研報, (1): 35-61. Yoshida, T. (1967) Studies on the biotic productivity of Daimyojinzawa, an acidic mountain stream in Nagano Prefecture. Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (1): 19-34. 吉野正敏 (1967) 気候. 長村誌, pp. 29-42, 長村役場. 金森正臣・田中亮 (1968) 菅平およびその付近におけるハタネズミの個体群生態学的研究I. 1966-1967年における個体群の研究成績. 菅平研報 (2): 17-39. 金森正臣・松沢千年 (1968) 越後三山・奥只見付近のネズミおよび食虫類. 日本自然保護協会調査報告, (34): 233-241. 小林俊樹・宮田彬 (1968) 菅平高原周辺の蛾類. 菅平研報 (2): 40-81. 田中亮・金森正臣 (1968) ハタネズミ個体群の記号法データから総個体数を推定する曲線回帰センサス式の提案. 北沢右三編, 陸上動物群集の2次生産力測定法, 3-9. 林一六 (1968) 菅平地方における植物遷移の研究 (1). 菅平研報, (1): 1-18. 林一六・沼田真 (1968) 植物群落の遷移に関する理論的考察. 雑草研究, (7): 1-11. Hayashi, I. and M. Numata (1968) Ecology of pioneer species of early stages in secondary succession II. Botanical Magazine Tokyo, 81: 55-66. 福島博・小林艶子・平本俊明・磯村康博・唐沢栄・右田嵯紀子 (1968) 菅平流水域のケイ藻類. 菅平研報, (2): 1-16. 浅野一男・林一六・平林国男・伊藤静夫・中山冽・清水建美・土田勝義 (1969) 菅平湿原の植物生態. I. 植物社会. 菅平研報, (3): 11-28. 安藤裕・宮川幸三 (1969) ムカシヤンマ Tanypteryx preyeri Selys (Odonata, Petaluridae) の幼虫期について. 菅平研報, (3): 1-9. 立石由己 (1969) 積雪分布におよぼす風速および微地形の影響. 地理学評論, 42: 527-532. Tanaka, R. and M. Kanamori (1969) Inquiry into effects of prebaiting on removal census in a vole population. Res. Popul. Ecol., 11: 1-13. 林一六 (1969) 「群落動態論」の試み. 千葉生物誌, 17: 1-3. 林一六 (1969) 菅平地方における植物遷移の研究 (2). 日生態会誌, 19: 75-79. 林一六・沼田真 (1969) 遷移からみた埋土種子集団の解析V−マツ過熟林およびスダジイ極相林について−. 自然教育園の生物群集に関する調査報告, 2: 1-7. このページのトップへ : To the top of this page. <1970〜1979年> 立石由己 (1970) 風の乱れにおよぼす小地形の影響. 地理学評論, 43: 692-696. 林一六 (1970) 植物の生育型について (1) (2). 長野県植物研究会誌, (2/3): 23-37. 安藤裕 (1971) 胚子発生. 内田亨編, 動物系統分類学7下 (A), 37-130, 中山書店. Ando, H. (1971) Studies on the pleuropodia of an ovoviviparous cockroach, Opisthoplatia orientalis Burmeister (Blattaria: Epilampriade). Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (4): 59-71. 金森正臣 (1971) 志賀高原針葉樹林におけるヒメネズミ、ヤチネズミの個体群動態. 北沢右三編, 亜寒帯および温帯林生態系の生物生産力, 253-262. Saito, K. (1971) Bryophyte flora of Sugadaira, Central Japan. Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (4): 11-30. Shimizu, T. (1971) A new peludose thistle from Central Japan, Cirsium shinanense. Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (4): 1-10. Hayashi, I. and M. Numata (1971) Viable buried seed population in the Miscanthus and Zoysia type grasslands in Japan-Ecological studies on the buried seed population in the soil selated to plant succession VI. Jpn. J. Ecol., 20: 243-252. Hayashi, I. (1971) Phenology of grassland species at Sugadaira. Jpn. J. Ecol., 21: 214-221. 三浦恭 (1971) 冷気湖形成の一例. 東北地理, 23: 37-39. 宮川幸三 (1971) エゾトンボ Somatochlora viridiaenea viridiaenea Uhler の生活史ならびにオオエゾトンボS. viridiaenea atrovirens Selysの幼虫期について. 菅平研報, (4): 31-46. 宮田彬 (1971) 長野県鬼無里村の蛾類. 菅平研報, (4): 47-58. 小林幸正 (1972) 菅平高原周辺の蛾類 (補遺1). 菅平研報, (5): 29-34. 斉藤隆史・安藤裕 (1972) 菅平付近の鳥相. 菅平研報, (5): 19-28. 林一六 (1972) ブラジル北東部植物紀行. 長野県植物研究会誌, (5): 77-83. 宮川幸三・成見和総・清水明・安藤裕 (1972) 菅平とその周辺の蜻蛉類. 菅平研報, (5): 1-18. Lee, J. (1972) Soil mycoflora in larch forest in Sugadaira. Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (5): 35-71. Ando, H. (1973) Old oocytes and newly laid eggs of scorpion-flies and hanging-flies (Mecoptera: Panorpidae and Bittacidae). Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Sec. B, 15: 163-187. Hayashi, I. (1973) A preliminary report on plant ecology of the semi-arid region in the Brasilian Northeast. Tokyo Geograpy Papers, 17. Yoshino, M. M. (1973) Studies on wind-shaped trees: Their classification, distribution and significance as a climatic indicator. Climatol. Notes,12: 1-52. Yoshino, M. M. (1973) Wind-shaped trees in the subalpine zone in Japan. Arctic Alpine Res., 5: A125-A126. Ando, H. and K. Haga (1974) Studies on the pleuropodia of Embioptera, Thysanoptera and Mecoptera. Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (6): 1-8. 金森正臣・安藤裕 (1974) 菅平付近の哺乳類相. 菅平研報, (6): 67-70. 斉藤亀三 (1974) カヤノ平のセン類フロラ. 菅平研報, (6): 61-66. Saito, K. (1974) Some additional species to the bryophyte flora of Sugadaira. Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (6): 9-10. 徳増征二 (1974) 菅平高原産土壌菌類. 菅平研報, (6): 33-60. 徳増征二 (1974) 土壌生糸状菌類の分離方法の検討. 日菌報, 15: 135-146. Haga, K. (1974) Postembryonic development of Megathripine species, Bactridothrips brevitubus Takahashi (Thysanoptera). Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (6): 12-32. Yoshino, M. M. (1974) Die Form der Bäume an der Baumgrenze in der Subalpinen Stufe in Zentral-Japan und ihre Auswertung als lokal klimatisches Kenzeichens. Tatsachen und Plobleme der Grenzen in der Vegetation (R. Tüxen ed.), pp. 171-184. Verlag von J. Cramer. 安藤裕・青沼賢三 (1975) 神川水系の魚相. 菅平研報, (7): 25-32. Ando, H. and H. Kobayashi (1975) Description of early and middle developmental stages in embryos of the firefly, Luciola cruciata Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (7): 1-11. 大和田道雄 (1975) 盆地における気温と風との関係について. 天気, 22: 33-39. 小林比佐雄・安藤裕 (1975) 菅平付近のハムシ科 Chrysomelidae について (菅平の甲虫相1). 菅平研報, (7): 33-38. 中安均・林一六 (1975) 二次遷移初期優占種の生態−ヨモギについて−. 菅平研報, (7): 39-54. Haga, K. (1975) Female reproductive system of Megathripine species, Bactridothrips brevitubus (Thysanoptera: Insecta). Bull. Sugadaira Biol. Lab. Tokyo Kyoiku Univ., (7): 13-24. 山本正三・高橋伸夫・石井英也・田林明 (1975) 菅平における高冷地の集落と土地利用の調査. 地理学調査報告書 (東京教育大学理学部人文地理学研究室) , (3): 1-123. Ando, H. and M. Tanaka (1976) The formation of germ rudiment and embryonic membranes in the primitive moth, Endoclyta excrescens Butler (Hepialidae, Monotrysia, Lepidoptera) and its phylogenetic significance. Proc. Jap. Soc. Sys. Zool., 12: 52-55. 徳増征二 (1976) Oidiodendron 属菌の分布について. 日菌報, 17: 99-105. Tokumasu, S., K. Miura and T. Mikawa (1976) Distribution of saprophytic mucoralean fungi in the solis of natural and planted coniferous forests. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Jpn., 17: 429-435. 中村圭三 (1976) 夜間の緩斜面上の冷気流と気温分布について. 地理学評論, 49: 380-387. 林一六・沼田真 (1976) ブラジル北東部の植物生態. 森林生態学論文集 (薄井宏編) , pp. 133-151. 農林出版. Hayashi, I. and M. Numata (1976) Structure and succession of Caatinga vegetation in the Brazilian Northeast. Tokyo Geography Papers, 20: 23-44. Ando, H. and N. Suzuki (1977) On the embryonic development of larval eyes of the scorpion-fly, Panorpa pryeri MacLachlan (Mecoptera, Panorpidae). Proc. Jpn. Soc. Syst. Zool., 13: 81-84. Hayashi, I. (1977) Secondary succession of herbaceous communities in Japan. Jpn. J. Ecol., 27: 191-200. Matsuzaki, M. and H. Ando (1977) Ovarian structures of the adult alderfly, Sialis mitsuhashii Okamoto (Megaloptera: Sialidae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol., 6 (1): 17-29. Asaba, H. and H. Ando (1978) Ovarian structures and oogenesis in Lepidocampa weberi Oudemans (Diplura: Campodeidae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol., 7: 405-414. 安藤裕 (1978) 昆虫比較発生学の問題点について. 成長, 17: 85-87. Ando, H. and Y. Kobayashi (1978) The formation of germ rudiment in the primitive moth, Neomicropteryx nipponensis Issiki (Micropterygidae, Zeugloptera, Lepidotpera) and its phylogenetic significance. Proc. Jpn. Soc. Syst. Zool., 15: 47-50. Takahashi, Y. and I. Hayashi (1978) An experimental study on the development of herbaceous communities in Sugadaira, Central Japan. Jpn. J. Ecol., 28: 215-230. 徳増征二 (1978) 菅平高原の自生アカマツ林と植栽外国マツ林の落葉生息菌類. 日菌報, 19: 383-390. 中村圭三 (1978) 菅平の大松山の斜面上における冷気流の発現域と流出域. 地理学評論, 51: 793-803. 山下孔二・小柳正弥・内藤ふみ・朝倉啓爾 (1978) 山地斜面における地温日変化について. 地理学評論, 51: 245-255. 朝倉啓爾 (1979) 山地斜面における日射量の観測結果. 地理学評論, 52: 261-268. Gokan, N., T. Nagashima, S. N. Visscher and H. Ando (1979) Fine structure of the eye of Galloisiana nipponensis (Caudell et King) (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae). Kontyû, 47: 258-271. Daigobo, S. (1979) Observations on the gametophytes of Botrychium multifidum from nature. J. Jpn. Bot., 54 (6): 168-177. Hayashi, I. (1979) Secondary succession of herbaceous communities in Japan. Seed germination and shade tolerance of seedlings of the dominants. Bull. Yokohama phytosociol. Soc., Jpn., 16: 407-414. Matsuzaki, M., H. Ando and S. N. Visscher (1979) Fine structure of oocyte and follicular cells during oogenesis in Galloisiana nipponensis (Caudell and King) (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol., 8: 257-263. 吉野正敏 (1979) 局地気候的にみた夜間の冷気流について. 災害科学研究会プリント, 1-25. このページのトップへ : To the top of this page. <1980〜1989年> Ando, H. and M. Tanaka (1980) Early embryonic development of the primitive moths, Endoclyta signifer Walker and E. excrescens Butler (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol., 9: 67-77. 徳増征二 (1980) アカマツの落葉分解に関与する菌類の観察. 微生物の生態 (微生物生態研究会編) , 7: 130-144. 学会出版センター. 中村圭三 (1980) 大松山の斜面上における放射冷却と高地逆転. 地理学評論, 53: 758-763. Machida, R. (1980) A new species of the genus Pedetontus from Japan (Insecta, Thysanura). Annot. Zool. Jpn., 53: 220-225. 吉野正敏 (1980) 局地気候的にみた冷気流. 災害の研究, 11: 124-135. 安藤裕 (1981) 昆虫の胚子発生と系統. 昆虫学最近の進歩 (石井象二郎編) , 32-49. 東大出版会. Kobayashi, Y. and H. 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Arthropod Structure and Development, 43: 135-151. Dallai, R., M. Gottardo, D. Mercati, R. Machida, Y. Mashimo, Y. Matsumura, J.A. Rafael and R.G. Beutel (2014) Comparative morphology of spermatozoa and reproductive systems of zorapteran species from different world regions (insecta, Zoraptera). Arthropod Strucuture and Development, 43(4): 371-383. Degawa, Y., Ohsawa, K., Suyama, M., N. Morishita (2014) Mortierella thereuopodae, a new species with verticillate large sporangiophores, inhabiting fecal pellets of Scutigeromorpha. Mycoscience, 55: 308-313, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.myc.2013.11.004. Fujita, M. and R. Machida (2014) Reproductive biology and postembryonic development of a polyphagid cockroach Eucorydia yasumatsui Asahina, 1971 (Insecta: Blattodea: Polyphagidae). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, 72(2): 193-211. Hosoya, T., Zhao, Y.J. and Degawa, Y. (2014) Poculum pseudosydowianum, sp. nov. (Rutstroemiaceae, Ascomycota) from Japan and its endophytic occurrence. 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(2014) Combined effects of warming, snowmelt timing, and soil disturbance on vegetative development in a grassland community. Plant Ecology, 215, 1399-1408. Takagi, E., Matsushita, N., Togashi, K. & Hogetsu, T. (2014) Isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite markers in Macrodasyceras hirsutum (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 49, 197-200. Takagi, E. (2014) Herbivory by Strongylocoris leucocephalus (Hemiptera: Miridae) on a novel host plant Adenophora triphylla var. japonica in Japan. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 17, 499-503. Wipfler, B., M. Bai, S. Schoville, R. Dallai, T. Uchifune, R. Machida, Y. Cui and R.G. Beutel (2014) Ice crawlers (Grylloblattodea) - The history of the investigation of a highly unusual group of Insects. Journal of Insect Biodiversity, 2 (2): 1-25 出川洋介, 陶山舞, 瀬戸健介, 中島淳志, 森下奈津子, 細矢剛, 保坂健太郎, 2014. 皇居吹上御苑のケカビ類(Mucoralean fungi collected at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo). Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. 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Wilde, M. Stampanoni, K. Uesugi, R. Machida and B. Misof (2015) Structural mouthpart interactions evolved already earliest lineages of insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Proceedings B) 282:20151033. Blanke, A., Busse, S. and Machida, R. (2015) Coding characters from different life stages for phylogenetic reconstruction: a case study on dragonfly adults and larvae including a description of the larval head anatomy of Epiophlebia superstes (Odonata: Epiophlebiidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Online: 27 MAR 2015, DOI:10.1111/zoj.12258. Dallai, R., Gottardo, M. Mercati, D., Rafael, J. A., Machida, R., Mashimo, Y., Matsumura, Y. and Beutel, R. G. (2015): The intermediate sperm type and genitalia of Zorotypus shannoi Gurney - Evidence supporting infraordinal lineages in Zoraptera (Insecta). Zoomorphology, 134(1): 79-91. Dallai, R., Thipaksorn, A., Gottardo, M., Mercati, D., Machida, R. and Beutel, R. G. (2015): The sperm structure of Cryptocercus (Blattodea) and sperm evolution in Dictyoptera. Journal of Morphology, 276(4): 361-369. Degawa, Y., Hosoya, T., Hosaka, K., Hirayama Y., Saito, Y. and Zhao, Y-J. (2015) Rediscovery of Roesleria subterranea from Japan with a discussion of its infraspecific relationships detected using molecular analysis. Mycokeys, 9: 1-9. Hirao, A. S., Watanabe, M., Liu, Q.-J., Li, X., Masuzawa, T., Ohara, M. and Wada, N. (2015) Low genetic diversity and high genetic divergence in southern rear-edge populations of Dryas octopetala in the high mountains of Far East Asia. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 66(1), 11-22. Fanciulli, P. P., D. Mercati, R. Machida and R. Dallai (2015) Spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of Machilontus sp (Insecta: Archaeognatha) with phylogenetic consideration. Micron, 73: 47-53. Fraulob, M., R. G. Beutel, R. Machida and H. Pohl (2015) The embryonic development of Stylops ovinae (Strepsiptera, Stylopidae) with emphasis on external morphology. Arthropod Structure and Development, 44(1): 42-68. Hayashi, Y., Ogai, T. and Nagasawa, R. (2015) Discovery of a New Sciaphyes Species (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Leptodilini) from Honshu, Japan. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, 21 (1), 165-167. Mashimo Y, RG Beutel, R Dallai, M Gottardo, C-Y Lee, AT Dossey, R Machida (2015) The morphology of the eggs of the three species of Zoraptera (Insecta). Arthropod Structure & Development, 44:656-666. Matsumura, Y., Wiplfer, B., Pohl, H., Dallai, R., Machida, R., Mashimo, Y., Camera, J.T., Rafael, J.A. and Beutel, R.G. (2015): Cephalic anatomy of Zorotypus weidneri New, 1978: New evidence for a placement of Zoraptera in Polyneoptera. Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 73 (1): 67-87. Nagano Y, Hirao AS, Itino T (2015) Genetic structure of hybrid zone between two violets Viola rossii and V. bissetii: dominance of F1 individuals in a narrow contact range. Plant Species Biology. 30(3): 237-243. Nakagaki Y, M Sakuma, R Machida (2015) Expression of engrailed-family genes in the jumping bristletail and discussion on the primitive pattern of insect segmentation. Development, Genes & Evolution, 225: 313-318. Saeki I, Hirao AS, Kenta T. (2015) Development and evaluation of microsatellite markers for Acer miyabei (Sapindaceae), a threatened maple species in East Asia. Applications in Plant Sciences 3(6) : 1500020. Sakamoto, S.H., *Suzuki, S.N., Koshimoto, C, Okubo, Y., Eto, T. and *Suzuki, R.O. (2015): Trap distance affects the efficiency and robustness in monitoring the abundance and composition of forest-floor rodents. Journal of Forest Research, 20, 151-159. *Equally contributing authors. Sato, Y., Breeuwer, J.A.J., Egas, M., and Sabelis, M.W. (2015) Incomplete premating and postmating reproductive barriers between two parapatric populations of a social spider mite. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 65: 277-291 Seto K, Degawa Y (2015) Cyclopsomyces plurioperculatus: a new genus and species of Lobulomycetales (Chytridiomycota, Chytridiomycetes) from Japan. Mycologia, 107(3): 633-640. DOI:10.3852/14-284. Suzuki, R.O., Degawa, Y., Suzuki, N.S. and Hosoya, T. (2015) Local-and regional-scale spatial patterns of two fungal pathogens of Miscanthus sinensis in grassland communities. Mycoscience, 56: 42-48. Tomizuka, S. and Machida, R. (2015) Embryonic development of a collembolan,Tomocerus cuspidatus Borner, 1909, with special reference to the development and developmental potential of serosa (Hexapoda: Collembola, Tomoceridae). Arthropod Structure and Development 44(2): 157-172. Takagi, E. and Ogai, T. (2015) New distribution record of Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in the coldest highland in central Japan. Sociobiology, 62, 460-461. Yamamoto, K, Degawa, Y., Hirose, D., Yamada, A. (2015) Morphology and phylogeny of four Endogone species and Sphaerocreas pubescens collected in Japan. Mycological Progress 14, DOI 10.1007/s11557-015-1111-6. Yavorskaya, M. I., K. Kojima, R. Machida and R. G. Beutel (2015) Morphology of the first instar larva of Tenomerga mucida (Chebrolat, 1829) (Coleoptera: Archostemata: Cupedidae). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 73(2):241-260. Matsumura, Y., B. Wiplfer, H. Pohl, R. Dallai, R. Machida, Y. Mashimo, J.T. Camera, J.A. Rafael, R.G. Beutel (2015) Cephalic anatomy of Zorotypus weidneri New, 1978: New evidence for a placement of Zoraptera in Polyneoptera. Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, 73 (1): 67-87. Ogai, T., and T. Kenta, (2015) The effects of vegetation types and microhabitats on carabid beetle community composition in cool temperate Japan. Ecological Research:1-12. Urakawa R., et al. (with Kenta, T. at 13th position in total 26 authors) (2015): Biogeochemical nitrogen properties of forest soils in the Japanese archipelago. Ecological Research, 30, 1-2. Zhou C, M Tan, S Du, R Machida, X Zhou (2015) The mitochondrial genome of the winter stonefly Apteroperla tikumana (Plecoptera, Capniidae). Mitochondrial DNA, DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1063120. 正木大祐・金井隆治・長岡講二・佐藤美幸・勝山麻里子 (2015) リタートラップを使用した長期調査 (Long-time ecological research using by litter-fall traps), 筑波大学技術報告35:35-38. Chaves, C., C. Derst, A. Franzen, Y. Mashimo, R. Machida and B. Musset (2016) Identification of an Hv1 voltage-gated proton channel in insect. FEBS Journal 283:1453-1464, DOI: 10.1111/febs.13680. Blanke, A. and R. Machida (2016) The homology of cephalic muscles and endoskeletal elements between Diplura and Ectognatha (Insecta). Organisms Diversity and Evolution, DOI: 10.1007/s13127-015-0251-5. Dallai, R., D. Mercati, Y. Mashimo, R. Machida and R. G. Beutel (2016) The fine structure of the rectal pads of Zorotypus caudelli Karny (Zoraptera, Insecta). Arthropod Structure and Development, 45: 380-388. Meusemann, K., D. Bartel, N. Szuschich, A. Bohm, M. Walzl, G. Timelthaler, G. Pass, A. Blanke, M. Petersen, P. Rühr, R. Machida, K. Sekiya, Y. Nakagaki, S. Tomizuka, M. Fukui, B. Misof and on the behalf of the 1KITE Consortium (2016) Introducing the 1KITE Project and first results on Phylogenomics of apterygote hexapods bassed on thousands of orthologous genes. Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 49: 5. Matsushima, M. and R. Machida (2016) Early embryonic development of Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe, 1885) (Insecta: Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae). Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 49: 7. Fujita, M. and R. Machida (2016) Embryonic development of Eucorydia yasumatsui Asahina (Insecta: Blattodea, Corydiidae). Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 49: 9. Tomizuka, S., M. Fukui, K. Sekiya and R. Machida (2016) Entognathy formations of three entognathan orders: A phylogenetic argument. Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 49: 13. Machida, R., M. Fukui, K. Sekiya and S. Tomizuka (2016) Early splitting of Hexapoda reviewed from the comparative embyrology. Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 49: 15. Mashimo, Y. and R. Machida (2016) Postembryonic development of Zorotypus caudelli Karny (Insecta, Zoraptera, Zorotypidae). Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 49: 17. Fujita, M., A. Blanke, S. Nomura and R. Machida (2016) Simple, artifact-free SEM observations of insect embryos: Application of the Nano-suit Method to insect embryology. Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 50: 7-10. Mtow, S. and R. Machida (2016) Comparative embryology of Plecoptera (Insecta). Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 50: 15. Kojima, K. and R. Machida (2016) Embryology of a “living fossil” beetle, Tenomerga mucida (Chevrolat, 1829) (Archostemata, Cupedidae). Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 50: 17. Mashimo, Y. and R. Machida (2016) A challenge to the subcoxal theories of pleural and sternal origins in insects. Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan, 50: 21. Urakawa, R., N. Ohte, H. Shibata, K. Isobe, R. Tateno et al., (2016) Factors contributing to soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates of forest soils in the Japanese archipelago. Forest Ecology and Management 361:382-396. Bagnoli F*, Tsuda Y*, Fineschi S, Bruschi P, Magri D, Zhelev P, Paule L, Simeone MC, González-Martínez SC, Vendramin GG (2016) Combining molecular and fossil data to infer demographic history of Quercus cerris: insights on European eastern glacial refugia. Journal of Biogeography, 43: 679-690. *equal contribution Soliani G, Mujitar VE, Tsuda Y, Vendramin GG, Gallo L (2016) The effect of silvicultural management on the genetic diversity of a mixed Nothofagus forest in Lanin Natural Reserve, Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management 363: 11-20. Tsuda Y*, Chen J,* Stocks M*, Källman T, Sønstebø, JH, Parducci L, Semerikov V, Sperisen C, Politov D, Ronkainen T, Valiranta M, Vendramin GG, Tollefsrud MM, Lascoux M (2016) The extent and meaning of hybridization and introgression between Siberian spruce (Picea obovata) and Norway spruce (P. abies): cryptic refugia as stepping stones to the west?. Molecular Ecology 25, 2773-2789. doi:10.1111/mec.13654. *equal contribution Sato Y, Rühr PT, Schmitz H, Egas M, Blanke A (2016) Age-dependent male mating tactics in a spider mite - a life history perspective. Ecology and Evolution 6: 7367-7374 Sato Y, Alba JM, Egas M, Sabelis MW (2016) The role of web sharing, species recognition and hostplant defence in interspecific competition between two herbivorous mite species. Experimental and Applied Acarology 70: 261-274. da Silva FR, de Moraes GJ, Lesna I, Sato Y, Vasquez C, Hanna R, Sabelis MW, Janssen A (2016) Size of predatory mites and refuge entrance determine success of biological control of the coconut mite. BioControl 61:681-689. Piyasaengthong N, Sato Y, Kinoshita N, Kainoh Y (2016) Oviposition preference for leaf age in the smaller tea tortrix Adoxophyes honmai (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) as related to performance of neonates. Applied Entomolozy and Zoology 51: 363-371 Piyasaengthong N, Kinoshita N, Sato Y, Kainoh Y (2016) Sex specific elicitor from Adoxophyes honmai (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) induces tea leaf to arrest the egg-larval parasitoid Ascogaster reticulata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Applied Entomolozy and Zoology 51: 353-362 Sato Y, Staudacher H, Sabelis WM (2016) Why do males choose heterospecific females in the red spider mite? Experimental and Applied Acarology 68: 21-31. Faulks, LK, and Östman Ö (2016) Genetic diversity and hybridisation bet ween native and introduced Salmonidae fishes in a Swedish alpine lake. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0152732 Faulks, LK, and Östman Ö (2016). Adaptive major histocompatibility comp lex (MHC) and neutral genetic variation in two native Baltic Sea fishes (per ch Perca fluviatilis and zander Sander lucioperca) with comparisons to an in troduced and disease susceptible population in Australia (P. fluviatilis): a ssessing the risk of disease epidemics. 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Keiko K, Matsui T, Kobayashi M, Saitou H, Namikawa K, Tsuda Y (2016) Genetic diversity and northward expansion at the northern Fagus crenata. Japanese Journal of Forest Environment 58: 1-8. (in Japanese with English abstract) Iwasaki T, Sakaguchi S, Tsuda Y (2016) Ecological niche modeling provides novel developments in phylogeography: applications and limitations. Journal of Phytogeography and Taxonomy 64:1-15. (in Japanese with English abstract) Shiraishi H, Tsuda Y, Takamatsu S, Tsumura Y, Matsumoto A (2016) Genetic diversity evaluation of Quercus serrata population in Saitama Pref. for revegetation technology with consideration for genetic resource conservation in region. Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 41: 402-409. (in Japanese with English abstract) Saito Y, Zhang Y-X, Mori K, Ito K, Sato Y, Chittenden AR, Lin J-Z, Chae Y, Sakagami T, Sahara K (2016) Variation in nesting behavior of eight species of spider mites, Stigmaeopsis having sociality. 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Sakamoto H, Matsuda T, Lesna I, Suzuki R, Saito Y, Lin J-Z, Zhang Y-X, Sato Y & Gotoh T (2017) Molecular identification of seven species of the genus Stigmaeopsis (Acari: Tetranychidae) and preliminary attempts to establish their phylogenetic relationship. Systematic & Applied Acarology 22(1): 91-101. B Knegt, T Potter, NA Pearson, Y Sato, H Staudacher, BCJ Schimmel, ET Kiers and M Egas (2017) Detection of genetic incompatibilities in non-model systems using simple genetic markers: hybrid breakdown in the haplodiploid spider mite Tetranychus evansi. Heredity 118: 311-321. Molecular identification of seven species of the genus Stigmaeopsis (Acari: Tetranychidae) and preliminary attempts to establish their phylogenetic relationship. Systematic & Applied Acarology 22(1): 91-101. 金井隆治・正木大祐・佐藤美幸 (2017) 教育関係共同利用拠点への取り組み (Activities for Center of Excellence for Education). 筑波大学技術報告 37: 36-39. Dallai, R., D. Mercati, Y. Mashimo, R. Machida and R.G. 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Beheregaray, LB, Pfeiffer, LV, Attard, CRM, Sandoval-Castillo, J, Domingos, F, Faulks, LK, Gilligan, DM, Unamck, P (in press) Genome-wide data delimits multiple climate-determined species ranges in a widespread Australian fish, the golden perch (Macquaria ambigua). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 正木大祐・長岡講二・高木悦郎 (2017) 野生哺乳動物の餌としてのブナの堅果量推定―長野県上田市菅平高原の小規模ブナ天然林におけるブナ結実状況. 環動昆. (印刷中) | |||||||||||
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